50 Gorgeous Tattoo Designs You’ll Desperately Desire

This cardinal.

by Banul

(Photo: Banul)

All the great tattooists are known for one thing or another. And while Banul’s work has many defining characteristics, it’s her use of color that always stands out to me. This cardinal perched on a branch is a wonderful example of Banul’s creative and unique approach to coloring.

This thigh piece.

by Mini Lau

(Photo: Mini Lau)

It’s a relief to think we’ve gone from barbed wire and garter belts to elegance like this. Not that there’s anything wrong with a well-executed garter belt or even a section of barbed wire, but the majority of those types of tattoos you come across just aren’t very good. I’ll be the first to admit that composition has a lot to do with the overall appeal of this design but it still doesn’t take away from the elegance and beauty of this wonderful work of art.

This greyscale peony.

by Zihwa

(Photo: Zihwa)

Peonies rule. Both in the tattoo industry as well as in real life. And if you’ve ever seen a fresh bouquet of peonies before they’ve opened up, I think you’ll agree. I’ve always been a firm believer that black and grey ink florals make for better tattoos than their colorful counterparts.

This cat lover.

by John Monteiro

(Photo: John Monteiro)

If you love your cat so much, why not let the whole world know? John Monteiro creates these amazingly complex looking compositions that all pretty much look like this. His style is reminiscent of Balazs Bercsenyi’s, or vice versa. Not sure who started doing what first.

These colorful fish.

by Olga Koroleva

(Photo: Olga Koroleva)

And the award for the smallest pinky toenail goes to…this person. But all joking aside, these koi, or perhaps betta fish, are a delight and a pleasure to view.

Behind the clouds.

by Nemo

(Photo: Nemo)

While I’m not sure if this is a question or a statement, the gradient nature of the sentence is what I’d like to draw attention to. No matter what you have to say or how you plan on saying it, color gradients are definitely where it’s at if a playful vibe is what you’re after.

Purple and blue flowers.

by Aeri

(Photo: Aeri)

There nothing like a gorgeous floral piece from Aeri to convince you that a colorful floral tattoo is in your immediate future. Tattooist Aeri is a relatively new discovery of mine and it took all but 2 seconds on her Instagram page to develop stalker-esque feelings (for her work of course). Her combination of color and negative space gives her work a unique and distinct vibe.

This lightly drawn floral piece.

by Tritoan Ly

(Photo: Tritoan Ly)

Here we have another absolute stunner via Tritoan Ly. Class isn’t just something he went to as a child, which is obvious if you have two eyes and a semi functional brain. Even the strictest of moms would approve of his works, which I’m sure many do on a somewhat regular basis.

This Hokusai wave.

by Eva Krbdk

(Photo: Eva Krbdk)

If you’re not sure what a Hokusai wave is, you may want to read a book, take a trip, or simply beg a passer by on the street for a little culture. Hokusai waves are a super common design concept in the tattoo industry—which I still have yet to fully understand why. This cool creation features a cosmic twist which really gives the wave itself a magical feel.

This floral heart.

by Haeny

(Photo: Haeny)

At one point in time or another, every girl secretly desires a floral heart tattoo. I mean, what’s more girly and romantic than a heart and a flower? Well, a heart made out of flowers of course. I’ve seen a lot of floral heart tattoos in my days and it’s the color scheme of this design that really stands out to me.