101 Tiny Girl Tattoo Ideas For Your First Ink

Something for everyone, that's for sure.

101 Tiny Girl Tattoo Ideas | TattooBlend

In an age where tiny tattoos rule, creative new designs—even more adorable than the last—are being born every day. It used to be that all tattoos, no matter the size or design, brought with them a negative stigma in the eyes of the public, especially the corporate world. But now, thanks to open minds and tasteful design trends, tiny tattoos have emerged from under that gray cloud to enjoy an almost universal acceptance among society as a whole.

While many young women choose to get larger, and more complex works, there’s no doubt that tiny tattoos are far and away the most popular tattoo designs among female first-time tattoo seekers. Why? Well, they’re relatively affordable, quick (less painful), and are a lot less of a commitment than say a 10 session back piece of a unicorn climbing a rainbow staircase from your lower back all the way up to your neck.

So if you’re fantasizing about that perfect first tat and where to put it, you’ll love this list of ever-so-tasteful first-time tats for women. We hope you enjoy this list as much as we enjoyed creating it.

This tiny bear.

Tiny Bear by Nando

(Photo: Nando)

This rain cloud.

Rain Cloud by Chaehwa

(Photo: Chaehwa)

This rabbit.

Minimalistic Rabbit by East Iz

(Photo: East Iz)

This paper airplane.


(Photo: East Iz)

This flower.

Small Flower Blossom by Chaehwa

(Photo: Chaehwa)

These birds on a line.

Birds on a Line by Tusz Za Rogiem

(Photo: Tusz Za Rogiem)

This fox.

Fox on Ankle by Banul

(Photo: Banul)

This bumble bee.

Bumble Bee by Jon Boy

(Photo: Jon Boy)

This wrist work.

Nature on Wrist by Chaehwa

(Photo: Chaehwa)


Snoopy by River

(Photo: River)

This gorgeous diamond-shaped landscape in color.

Diamond-shaped landscape in color by Tattooist IDA

(Photo: IDA)

This fun little constellation.

Little constellation tattoo via Sofia

(Photo: Sofia)

This skeleton key.

Skeleton key tattoo by Jude

(Photo: Jude)

This bottle of flowers.

Bottle of flowers tattoo by Fabiana Ventura

(Photo: Fabiana Ventura)

These mountains on ankle.

Mountains on ankle by Hongdam

(Photo: Hongdam)

This back shoulder watercolor butterfly.

Back shoulder butterfly tattoo by Tattoooie

(Photo: Tattoooie)