55 Best Star Wars Tattoos Period the End

This funny death star tattoo


“Fly Casual”. This would be a great slogan for an intergalactic airline.

This red trooper full sleeve



This man inside the mask tattoo


A great view of the man under the mask.

This epic collage


There’s a lot going on here and from the photo, it’s kind of hard to see what exactly that is, but it appears to be Darth Vader, the Death Star, and some other fantasy characters that I’m not able to identify.

Yoda with a glow in the dark lightsaber


An amazing use of white ink. Only one problem. Wasn’t Yoda’s lightsaber green?

This ode to the dark side tattoo


This tattoo is one scene away from being the entire Empire Strikes Back film squished into a single sleeve. haha. But seriously that detail on the Death Star! Mind = Blown.

This R2D2 tattoo


This tattoo looks like it was done with an airbrush. Absolutely stunning.

This gorgeous bust of Master Yoda


I think even Yoda would be proud of this masterpiece. The touch of red compliments the green nicely.

Here comes the Empire


That’s a lot of stuff expertly packed into one small space.

This Anakin Skywalker transition piece


This old bird


Someone spent more than a few minutes getting the detail right on Han’s whip. That satellite dish doesn’t look so aerodynamic though.

This full back mural


Either this guy is the world’s biggest Star Wars fan or he lost a pretty substantial bet. Either way, thanks providing us with this epic tattoo.



Also on TattooBlend:

50 Amazing Star Wars Tattoo Designs