52 Powerful Quote Tattoos Everyone Should Read

Possibly your next tat?

We live with the scars we choose.

Collarbone quote by Bon Mansueto

(Photo: Bon Mansueto)

 Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered.

Quote on wrist

(Photo: Jamie Soroka)

Inhale exhale.

'Inhale exhale' by Skin Ink

(Photo: Skin Ink)

This too shall pass.

'This too shall pass' by Megan Nobles

(Photo: Megan Nobles)

I don’t owe you shit.

'I don't owe you shit' Julia Bicudo

(Photo: Julia Bicudo)

Love me till I’m me again.
Spaced out quote by Inshaan Ali

(Photo: Inshaan Ali)

A reader lives a thousand lives.

'A reader lives a thousand lives' via Sarah Frannie

(Photo: Sarah Frannie)

My plans cover continents.

Travel quote by Courtney Kliss

(Photo: Courtney Kliss)

This Alice in Wonderland quote.

Alice in Wonderland quote by Yaman Çakır

(Photo: Yaman Çakır)

God makes no mistakes, I was born this way.

'God makes no mistakes I was born this way' by Fabiana Ventura

(Photo: Fabiana Ventura)