When it comes to tattoos spawned by TV shows, you’d be hard pressed to find a more popular choice than the mighty Game of Thrones. From the prancing lion banner of House Lannister to full portraits of the formidable Daenerys Targaryen, GOT has inspired a plethora of unique and creative designs from fans across the globe.
Now there are a few movies that undoubtedly have more tattoos credited to them — Star Wars, Batman, Spiderman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, and possibly even Harry Potter. But those are movies, not TV shows. It should also be noted that this is just speculation from my countless hours searching the web far and wide for tattoos designs in almost every category imaginable. There’s no tattoo registry for every tattoo ever inked.
Why are Game of Thrones tattoos so popular? That’s a great question and tough one to answer. Most tattoos seem to be influenced by fantasy type media. With the show’s enormous popularity coupled with the fact that’s it’s deep into the fantasy genre, I’d say that that combination alone is enough to explain the high volume of Game of Thrones tattoos we are seeing.
While there are thousands of great GOT designs out there, I dare not post them all in fear of breaking the internet, so I choose a few of the pieces that I felt were the best while representing as many different creative styles as possible.
If you have any tattoos that you feel deserve to be on this list please leave them in the comments.
This Night’s King Tattoo
You got to give this artist credit for attempting a design with this much detail. The King’s face has an incredible amount of wrinkles and texture. I hope thing is able to withstand the sands of time. It would be a shame for this beautiful design to turn into a black blob in 30 years.
These regal House Stark tattoos
The Lannisters may be the richest family in the 7 kingdoms, but if the Starks could sell the licensing rights to their banner design, there might be a new family on top. The Stark banner design, or logo, is definitely the most popular Game of Thrones tattoo we’re seeing right now.
This Khal Drogo tattoo
Always been a fan of the pony tail beard.
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This humorous king slayer metal band logo
You have to admit. If Jamie were to start a metal band, King Slayer would be a perfect name.
Valar Morghulis neck tattoo
Beautiful lettering and placement. There’s something about neck tattoos that are just so…COOL!
The hound in his helmet
The composition of this shot is so 80’s. I love it.
The Hound’s helmet on fire
King of the North
This Targaryen eating lunch
She’s probably going to need more napkins than that.
“Fear cuts deeper than swords”
True, but wound’t you rather be cut by fear?
These Daenerys Targaryen tattoos
The last one is especially beautiful. The artist did a bang up job capturing her likeness.
This raven perched on skulls
This foot tattoo
Baratheon vs Lannister
That lion has a real shag hair cut. Not sure what’s going on with the tail either.
This calf tattoo
That font is out of this world.
This iron throne tattoo
This is one of my favorite designs but the execution could of been better. Another one of those tattoos that probably won’t look so great as it ages. Is it just me or does the Iron Throne look like the most uncomfortable chair ever made? You need a tetanus shot just looking at it.
This three-eyed crow
The eyes of the crow seem to follow you no matter what angle you look from.
This chest piece
Valar Morghulis is a common greeting in Braavos, meaning “all men must die” in High Valyrian. It is meant in the sense of “all men must (eventually) die,” sooner or later, somewhat like the Latin saying “memento mori.”
The hound taking a load off
House Targaryen large chest tattoo
This black and white chest piece shows some awesome House Targaryen pride. With her white flowing hair, this owner might even be a member of the Targaryen family.
Another great Valar Morghulis tattoo
One of the only designs I found with a coin in hand. The phrase means nothing without the coin! Wouldn’t the coin alone make a great tattoo?
This dire wolf tattoo
What a ominous message. Winter is coming.
This spectacular House Targaryen tattoo
It doesn’t get any better than this people. This is my favorite sigil. Leaving the “Fire and Blood” out makes it all the more special.
Dark Wings, Dark Words Raven tattoo
Beautiful color composition. The orange banner looks awesome against the darker tones of the raven/crow.
This Tyrion Lannister tattoo
Those are some nasty scars. This battle-scared portrait of Tyrion Lannister looks fantastic.
These three dragons
Saved the best for last. Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons.