Looking for the absolute cutest tattoo possible? Of course you are. After all, isn’t that every girls dream? Well, maybe not. But if your yard isn’t quite big enough for a pony, a cute tattoo is definitely the next best thing.
Throughout the year we have a special folder for only the cutest tattoos we can find and when we have enough, out comes an article. Here is this years list. We hope you enjoy browsing this list as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. From tiny slices of fruit, to breathtaking super cute floral tattoos, this list has something for everyone. Sit back, relax, and get inspired.
This gorgeous peacock feather.
We’ve done complete articles on peacock feathers in the past and we have to admit that this is one of the best examples we’ve ever seen. Hungarian based tattooist Balazs Bercsenyi always manages to impress with his attention to detail and highly original work. (Photo: Balazs Bercsenyi)
This incredibly cute floral thigh piece.
If you’re looking for a cute floral tattoo then Graffittoo tattoo studio’s Instagram page should be your first stop for design inspiration. Their colorful floral works range from tiny single stem flowers to larger arrangements like the one pictured above. (Photo: Graffittoo)
This colorful paper plane.
Here we have another cute design from the South Korean tattoo studio Graffittoo. Paper airplanes, and origami in general make for some pretty interesting little tattoos. (Photo: Graffittoo)
This girly infinity symbol tattoo.
While we’re not exactly aware of all the going-ons in this decidedly feminine mathematic symbol, a few stars and possibly even a butterfly or two can be seen clearly. (Photo: There Tattoo)
This paper clip. 
Small minimalistic objects often make the best tiny tattoos. This single paper clip looks right at home among these scattered relatives. (Photo: Pam Pastor)
This thunder cloud.
Thunder cloud with lightning bolt to be precise. We’ve seen our fair share of lighting bolt tattoos but few posses such vivid detail as the above design. Fun Fact: Lightning strikes about 40 times per second on earth and at a temperature of over 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun. (Photo: Graffittoo)
This slice of melon.
Tiny sketch style watercolor watermelon anyone? Yes please. It’s simple yet creative designs like these that make you want to drop everything and pay your local tattooist a visit. (Photo: Simona Blanar)
This cute feather tattoo.
Probably the smallest feather tattoo in existence. It all starts with an innocent little feather on the wrist. Before you know it, you’re being courted by various traveling circuses looking to hire you on full time. (Photo: Jon Boy)
This floral sprig.
These delicate flower petals appear as if they’re almost made of blown glass. The pink, purple, and light blue tones mimic the light’s reflection when it enters certain types of glass. (Photo: Doy)